Monday, April 28, 2008

Random Acts of Quirkiness

Enc and The Thoughtful Dresser have independently invited me to share six quirky/random things about myself, so here goes:

1. Vogue magazine once told me I was “too intellectual” to work there.

2. I never wear my engagement and wedding rings together; I wear one or the other.

3. I won’t eat a mushroom knowingly.

4. When I was 8 I won a medal for drawing a picture of the Queen at a performance of Anne of Green Gables.

5. In Iceland I was mistaken for a native.

6. I once thought my epitaph might read, “Dated the sons of famous Canadian authors.”

I’d like to tag the following bloggers: PVE Design; Disneyrollergirl; The Cherry Blossom Girl (j’aime pratiqué le francais, and, yes, I need lots of practice); Miss White; and My Marrakesh. My sixth choice is that international man of philosophy, style, and wit: Manolo the Shoeblogger.


  1. Ooh thanks Miss C! Will have a think...

  2. I love your epitaph, so funny!

    Alice from Italy

  3. Quirks? I don't have any of those....

    Okay, seriously, I did this meme a while back. Take a peek:

    PS That image is so very beautiful. Where is it from?

  4. Come on now, you have to tell us which authors! :-)

  5. I want to know which authors too! I also want to know who at Vogue thought it was cool to tell people they were too "intellectual" to work there. That is hilarious and very telling. . . (of what we probably already know. . . )

  6. Thanks for the tag! I did a similar meme before (maybe the same one) but the instructions were in German and I didn't really understand.

    I can't agree with you on the mushrooms, I especially like them raw with garlic and olive oil!

  7. quirky me, why i am flattered by you random act.
    yes, will give it a go -

  8. Vogue were right, you are intellectual!

    I loved this.

  9. Hi all! The image I selected is from the Conde Nast store (thanks, musette, for that useful reference!).

    And I know I've been a bit of a tease in this meme, but the details will have to remain a mystery . . . I cannot kiss and tell; just kiss and hint . . .

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