Monday, May 5, 2008

Miss Cavendish's Contest

I have officially entered crunch time—final essays to grade, final exams to design and then grade—so I thought I’d use a time-honored professor’s strategy on my blog: group work.

I’ll post some of my favorite images but won’t provide a text. You, the gentle reader, are welcome to use the comments section to add remarks—context, dialogue, analysis, quips . . . whatever works for you.

Think of this as the New Yorker’s cartoon contest page, but with (I hope) evocative images of fashion.

Do I need a prize, then?

After we make it through the crunch, I’ll post a poll--or figure out something similar. You vote for your favorite combination of image/comment, and I’ll mail the winner a tiny cake, handmade by Miss Cavendish.

And as I’m known for breaking a rule or two, don’t be surprised if I actually do post an image with prose; I’m just waiting for my muse.

Next post: image only!


  1. I'm always ready with suggested dialog/backstory. I can't wait.

    Good luck with your workload. Can't wait to have you back full force.

  2. Love the Sunday Morning comic strip-tease!
    Cannot wait to this contest.

  3. This is an awesome (time-saving) strategy. I should have done this!! I still might in the future....


Thank you for your thoughtful comments!