Friday, August 29, 2008

Literary Style: Elizabeth Bowen

If Anna had fought against Portia’s coming, she knew how to give her defeat style. . . . Portia arrived as black as a little crow, in heavy mourning chosen by her aunt—back from the East in time to take charge of things. Anna explained at once that mourning not only did not bring the dead back but did nobody good. She got a cheque from Thomas, took Portia shopping round London and bought her frocks, hats, coats, blue, grey, red, jaunty and trim.

--from Elizabeth Bowen's superb novel, The Death of the Heart


  1. I've read E. Bowen but not the novel you mentioned. Time to revisit her. Thanks!

  2. I guess I have some reading to do.

  3. Tessa and enc--do read this novel. It's a wonderfully rich, thoughtful book.


Thank you for your thoughtful comments!