Monday, June 11, 2012


I've been pondering 1984, the end of my first year of university, over the last couple of days. 

Through the lovely blog Nibs I located this model, from the Laura Ashley fall/winter 1984 catalogue, who, in her LA clothing, inspired me that year. 

I cut my hair like hers, curled it comme ca, and indulged in a small Laura Ashley wardrobe: a powder blue sailor dress made of sturdy cotton; a white nautical jacket with matching pleated skirt, and a long corduroy dress with square collar and the famous puff sleeves.

These ensembles left me impossibly dressed for class, so I skipped as many as possible and swanned about the campus instead, books in hand, looking for a soft filter that would transport me into the catalogue pages.  Having worked so hard in boarding school, I was ready for a break and took it.

But somewhere long the line I realized that it was better to be studious than simply to look studious.

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