Saturday, November 1, 2014

On not Inviting Jian Ghomeshi to Visit

Sometimes when I want to blog about something beautiful, I can't get past something unbeautiful that consumes my thoughts, so I have to write about it before I move on.

Since it broke, I've been following the disturbing news about Jian Ghomeshi, the once-celebrated Canadian founder and host of the radio program Q, whose fall from grace has been swift and, from what I have read, deserved.

I teach journalism, and, for the last few years, when we learn about interviewing, I show my students the video of Ghomeshi's live interview with Billy Bob Thornton and his band The Boxcars, during which Billy Bob is alternately silent, sulky, petulant, and indignant, all because Ghomeshi contextualized him as an actor and screenwriter instead of a musician, unmodified.

I really liked how the Canadian kid (whose youthful looks disguised the fact that the 40-something host wasn't a kid at all) handled Billy Bob in a calm manner, talking him down from his anger and eventually getting the interview back on track. I liked his style so much that last November I emailed his agent to see whether Ghomeshi would care to cross the border to address my students on journalism.

On November 18 his agent responded, wondering what fee we might offer and what other public figures had spoken in the same venue.  I was about to pull out my impeccable (really) Canadian literary credentials, including links to the Giller Prize; an important book imprint; friendships with celebrated publishing figures, both authors and editors.  But I didn't, and, after reading this week's news, I am very glad that I didn't bring Ghomeshi here.

I think of the women who had been temporarily charmed by the radio host's celebrity. Their stories sound familiar. When I was in graduate school, I went to hear an alumnus, who was a well-connected journalist for a hip American magazine. I misread him during his talk, having thought him gay, so when I saw him downtown the next day, I pulled my bike over and introduced myself. (I wasn't in the habit of introducing myself to men because they would more often than not misread me and think I was flirting.) Anyway, the famous journalist invited me to a party, I went, we had a witty, intellectual chat, and, to my dismay, I soon found myself declining his advances. I was successful in extricating myself without any harm done, but I did have a "why did he have to go and spoil our fledgling friendship?" reaction.  That and a bit of "Ewww."

 So why am I writing this? Because I understand the young women who were impressed by Ghomeshi's celebrity and who weren't expecting or desiring his subsequent violence. And because I am so relieved that he did not meet my students, my friends, or me. I'll be finding another example of a "bad interview" to show in class.


materfamilias said...

Definitely unbeautiful, but now exorcised, very articulately. It's all been so disturbing, especially since it's now clear that so many shared in an open secret of which so many fans had no clue.

LPC said...

Good for you. And perhaps anything with Russell Brand in it will do:)?

Miss Cavendish said...

Mater, yes; I've been most impressed by how articulately the articles, columns, and blog posts have dismantled Ghomeshi's initial PR offensive.

LPC, I've seen Brand interviewed only once, and during that outing he actually had to take control when the truly hapless interviewers could not act professionally. Will research and thanks for the tip! :-)

LPC said...

Yes, the thing about Brand is that apparently his charisma and hyper-active communication skills take over. A woman journalist did write an article about it - I cannot remember who it was though.

K.Line said...

How bizarre that you reached out to him just recently...

Jen Lawrence said...

I've been mesmerized by it all as I have suffered at the hands of someone very like him at the top of a different food chain. At least some helpful dialogue is coming out of the mess and I'm so glad you are selecting new content for your class!