Saturday, July 2, 2016

Miss C on the Politics of Casual Dressing in Selvedge Magazine

I'm waiting for the July issue of Selvedge to cross the pond; it contains a story on casual dressing that invited me not only to talk about current dress codes (to dress down or up?) but to contemplate the politics of casual dressing when a woman is of a certain age.

I've framed the article with some thoughts on the audience reaction to Jenny Beavan's choice of attire when she accepted her Academy Award for costume design for Mad Max; readers may remember that the red carpet leading to the stage was lined with side-eye as Beavan confidently walked it in her bomber jacket, clompy boots, and baggy trousers.

I was delighted to interview my talented cousin Hannah Thomson, who takes photographs of social events in New York, and has lots of experience seeing how women dress--both on the red carpet and at parties.

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