Inspired by Bella Dia's sumptous new spring pincushions, I decided to try my hand at a couple last night. Et voila! Two tiny felted cakes. The little pink cake is about 1.5 inches by 1 inch and the larger purple cake is 2.5 inches by 2.5. Were I to make some more (and I think I shall), I'd add flowers to the side of the large cake. You can also see my miss cavendish label peeking out from the folds.
I found these cakes surprisingly easy to make--they just take sharp embroidery scissors, colored floss, wool felt, some lentils for stuffing, and your imagination. The purple cake shows french knots at the center of flat flowers; the pink cake has gathered flowers with both french knots and a mini rosebud center made of rolled felt. If I can dream up different kinds of flowers, I'll be sure to plant them in future cakes. So what's for dessert?