Sunday, May 23, 2021

Inside/Out: A Beautiful Susannah Hunter Bag in Reverse


Sometimes my favorite discoveries are the opposite of what's put forth: the B side of a 45" record; an orange chiffon scarf with fuchsia felted embellishment that I wear underneath-side out (In fact, that's how I thought it was supposed to be worn).

The same could on occasion apply to Susannah Hunter's beautifully appliquéd leather bags. Although I do find the front of this Sunshine Dahila bag appealing, it's the reverse side that I like so much.

But really, either side would go well with a Sunny Day-hila.

1 comment:

Sue said...

So pleased to see you back again, Miss C. I love Susannah Hunter's bags as well, and have a bit of a collection, gathered over several years and worn on rotation, more or less. They are beautiful from every direction, inside and out. XXsue