Monday, August 13, 2012

The Rockettes' Gorgeously Tarnished Glamour

In the afterglow of spying Bill Cunningham, my daughter and I headed over to Radio City, where she danced for some four hours with the Rockettes Experience (13th-birthday gift).

As we climbed the internal stage-door stairs en route to the large rehearsal hall, a rolling rack with some costumes caught my eye.  They were strappy, peachy-flesh colored, and bedazzled with glitz. 

They were a little bedraggled too, which was part of their appeal: I thought of Sally Bowles flinging one on, ripped fishnets on legs, cigarette in hand.

I'm calling it tarnished glamour.

Do you like your glamour sparkly or with a bit of romantic grime?


Anonymous said...

Oh tarnished glamour, which I think Kate Moss embodies perfectly, I thought she looked incredible at the Olympics concert last night.

Miss Cavendish said...

Yes, agree that she did look incredible. When I first saw her on the massive convoy I Tweeted that she was "writhing," which was the perfect tarnished slinky move for her.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Miss Cavendish the Younger. What an fun and exciting day.