Today was a linger(ie) morning, as I happily gazed upon this rather stern but sexy set by Wundervoll, of Berlin. It’s a bit Charlotte Rampling in that Night Porter flick, a bit Madonna in vintage Gaultier, and maybe even a little Barbara Bel Geddes (as the lingerie designer in Vertigo, not as Miss Ellie).
And then there were these boots by French designer Isabel Marant. As I’ve said before, I’m not really into a stacked heel, and would usually raise an eyebrow at chains, but the combination here really works for me.

So my only lingering (ahem) question is this: should one wear the boots with the set?
For sure!
love your puns, love your finds!
I was intrigued by the undies too. I'm always annoyed that the more interesting your clothes are, the uglier the undies have to be.
So gorgeous . . . saw all this in the Times and fell in love!
I've never really gotten jazzed about lingerie, but as I get jazzed about boots on a daily basis ... YOW. Those are amazing.
any idea what has become of thumbelina fashionista? love the grey boots but they look a little dickens-y with those chains. thanks, kathi
The boots by Isabel Marrant are fabulous!! I've seen them on a picture with a model but wasn't sure about the label. Thanks!!
Great blog! Will visit often :)
Kathi--Thumbelina is still blogging and commenting! You can find her on my blog roll.
The lingerie has a sort of "nautical feel" so I think I would prefer something a little sportier. Well as for the boots, I see some sort of fur, chinchilla & chains.
Why yes!
I loved the look of both the lingerie, and the boots. Ahhhhh.
Hee hee...Yes, I'm alive! :)
I love the boots. They're fierce and I'm trying to incorporate fierce(ness) into my wardrobe.
love those boots. something very existential and witty about them. as for the pairing, i say go for it! :)
Why don't you like stacked heels? I love them.
Those boots are fab, very rock and very classy.
That lingerie is simply divine! The bra looks like it may need a little more support, but those pants are too too perfect.
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