Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fringe Appeal

The convergence of two sightings in the last two days has sparked this post.

Item One: reading Patti Smith's memoir and gathering the details of how she gave herself her iconic Keith Richards haircut. With short fringe. (Smith's fringe is not so super short in this image, but trust me.)

Item Two: Watching Work of Art again, and taking note (again) that Jeanne has a 2010-inspired Patti/Keith do, with short fringe.

This shag is different from, say, Jane Fonda's Klute look, though she is pushing it in this mug shot.

or Shane's L-Word do,

or Sally Hershberger's shags because of the garishly short fringe. 

And I mean that as a compliment.

In Grade 7, the night before the school's Junior Princess/Junior Prince competition (I was a nominee from my class), I cut my own hair. I was trying to make it even more Farrah Fawcett-y, but ended up a blonde Patti Smith clone. 

I haven't cared about courtly competitions since. (But I don't have fringe any more, either.)

1 comment:

Sister Wolf said...

If it's good enough for Patti, it's good enough for us. One of my few Rules to Live By.