Sunday, August 30, 2009

Circa 2017: Circus School

My eldest daughter, my long, graceful swan who can moonwalk like nobody’s business, wants to be a circus clown.

She loves the shoes, the wigs, the colorful costumes, the face paint (she has her own set of it), the absolute silliness.

A sibling of a dear friend runs a circus school in London, so we may be looking to the continent for her higher education.

But until then, she can enjoy her ten-year-old sense of fun (including pratfalls).

Her mother likes circuses too, especially vintage circus posters and gilt big-top decorations past their prime.

And I adore these images from Marcus Bleasdale’s “Exquisite Circus” portfolio in New York Magazine, all stunning looks from the fall fashion shows.


WendyB said...

As long as she doesn't actually run away to join the circus!

Mary-Laure said...

Do keep us posted about her plans! It all sounds very exciting.

Belle de Ville said...

I always thought that it would be awesome to be in the Cirque du Soleil...what a fun dream for your daughter.