Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day

Perhaps it's only fitting that I've been rereading Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, as "May Day" plays an important role in it.  The narrtor riffs on how that code term connects to m'aidez, "help me" en francais

But on this May Day, I don't think that any help is necessary.  Rather, I'm conjuring up images of festive maypoles (which I adore, athough Mad Men has sullied them for me a bit). 

May this month bring many flowers, both literal and symbolic!


Make Do Style said...

Ha yes the Mad Men episode with teach! I do miss Mad Men but guess you are on next series already.

I must read Margaret Atwood's book. I have lots to catch up on.

Maggie May said...

may day always reminds me of the 'old' poets for some reason...emily dickinson, (i always forget, i or e) edna st vincent millay...

Jennifer said...

A belated Happy May Day to you! It's been many years since I read "The Handmaid's Tale" but I still remember it as being an incredibly disturbing yet interesting book. There was a film made of it back in 1990, which I haven't seen since that year, but might be worth watching again: