Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Ballroom Upstairs; Those Sea-Blue Eyes

If I were in a punning mood, this post could be called "In Praise of Daryl's Halls," as it's inspired by this week's NYT piece on music stars who renovate their homes.

Daryl Hall is fixing up his 1787 home in CT, and my imagination took flight when I read that the bachelor sea captain who built it installed a ballroom on the top floor, in place of bedrooms.

Having a ballroom on the top floor brings new meaning to the idea of "dancing on the ceiling" and conjures up images of Austen-esque balls, with a handsome, young sea captain hoping to find his first (or only) mate.

If I were to go to a ball today, chez Hall, I might wear something primitively beautiful, to complement Mr. Hall's love of "the handmade world."

Perhaps something from Alabama Chanin might like a spin on the dance floor.

 I have a great-great uncle (maybe even greater) who was a ship's captain, based in Cardigan, PEI, which was a shipbuilding hub.  His captain's clock, his logs, and other artefacts, as well as his photo, are on display at the Cardigan Heritage Center.  I cannot locate my copy of his photo at the moment, but I see that my young son shares his great-great-great (possibly greater) uncle's sea-blue eyes, that hint of distant horizons. Here is one of his ships, the Caspian, built in 1890:


GSL said...

I'd love to be on that Alabama Chanin wearing filly's dancecard at Hall's Hall albeit with a big No Can Do if he takes the mic.

Jen Lawrence said...

Love the gown! And I won't hold the Maneater ear worm against you!