Ahh—the sea, the sea; la mer, la mer. I hear its siren song calling me.
Even though I *am* going seaward in couple of days, it’s not that kind of sea I’m thinking about.
No: La Mer moisturizing lotion has reentered my consciousness and I’m deciding whether to make a break or catch the wave, if you will.
I’ve used Janet Sartin moisturizer since I was 20, until I discovered La Mer sometime in the mid-90s. (Note: *the* mid-90s, not *my* mid-90s!) First I used La Mer's ridiculously expensive cream, then changed to the lighter moisturizer when it was developed.
The moisturizer is delightful—a lovely clean scent, greaseless (of course!) coverage, and an ability to leave one’s skin glowing.
It is, however, to my mind, an indulgence in this economy, so when I ran out, I returned to Janet Sartin, and when I ran out of that, I tried *something* that I didn’t have to order. (Janet Sartin is available from her spa in NYC.)
But last night, when I had run out of my *something,* I discovered a new sample of La Mer moisturizer in my bathroom cabinet. I used it, loved it all over again, and am contemplating whether to take the plunge for a new pump bottle. Its price has risen--umm, considerably?--since I last bought it.
So I thought I’d request another small sample from my smart readers: Do you indulge in your moisturizer, or is *something* from your local pharmacy adequate? Is it a question of mind over matter? Or does super-quality moisturizer (read: pricey) really matter to you?
Even though I *am* going seaward in couple of days, it’s not that kind of sea I’m thinking about.
No: La Mer moisturizing lotion has reentered my consciousness and I’m deciding whether to make a break or catch the wave, if you will.
I’ve used Janet Sartin moisturizer since I was 20, until I discovered La Mer sometime in the mid-90s. (Note: *the* mid-90s, not *my* mid-90s!) First I used La Mer's ridiculously expensive cream, then changed to the lighter moisturizer when it was developed.
The moisturizer is delightful—a lovely clean scent, greaseless (of course!) coverage, and an ability to leave one’s skin glowing.
It is, however, to my mind, an indulgence in this economy, so when I ran out, I returned to Janet Sartin, and when I ran out of that, I tried *something* that I didn’t have to order. (Janet Sartin is available from her spa in NYC.)
But last night, when I had run out of my *something,* I discovered a new sample of La Mer moisturizer in my bathroom cabinet. I used it, loved it all over again, and am contemplating whether to take the plunge for a new pump bottle. Its price has risen--umm, considerably?--since I last bought it.
So I thought I’d request another small sample from my smart readers: Do you indulge in your moisturizer, or is *something* from your local pharmacy adequate? Is it a question of mind over matter? Or does super-quality moisturizer (read: pricey) really matter to you?
I dunno, I'm 52 and I've never bought anything fancier than Clinique -- my sister uses La Mer and when I've tried it surreptitiously it was very nice. But I can't bring myself to spend that much, when my dermatologist assures me the $20 from the drugstore is just as good. I am currently using Oil of Olay, partly because of a very funny story told to me by an old friend. She was interviewing Flannery O'Conner and while talking she noticed that Flannery was giving her a very thorough inspection. After several minutes, Flannery said "You know honey, your skin is awful dry. You should try a little Oil of Olay." So I do.
I bought La Mer once (in my mid 20s) and it was a nightmare for my greasy beyond belief skin (this was before the greaseless line). There was something I loved about it - the aura of luxury and the promise of youth - but that disappeared when Lauder bought it. I couldn't spend that on face lotion right now. Not with all my other indulgences. But I say, if you love it and you can afford it, why not?
I go back and forth. When I indulge, I buy Annick Goutal (I adore their rose cream). When I feel cheap, I buy Oil of Olay. To be honest, it works just as well, but it lacks the lovely rose scent. I say go for it if you can afford it. If you're like me and have been taking advantage of one too many sales, then no.
Janet Sartin...I used to use those products...well let's just say way back in the day.
Now it's all about RetinA!
But I will mention that the women that I know who use Obagi products have the most beautiful skin.
I used the original La Mer before the others came out and then I stopped for a while, not being really able to justify the expense. I have dry skin though so that might make a difference. I have gone back to the original creme as my night cream and feel it is completely worth it. I compared it to several other cremes over time and it always won. If I used it on half my face compared to the other, on a single use the other might seem almost better, but over a couple of weeks use there is a clear improvement in my skin by using the LaMer.
I would say go for it if you can afford it. I am thinking of trying the lighter lotion for daytime as I need to change my moisterizer, and I have had success with other things in the line.
I so wanted La Mer to be my miracle in a bottle. It was not. I have bought and used two jars and have still wondered what they hype was about. I am still seeking the Holy Grail.
I have been using Oil of Olay for sensitive skin for years. It may be immodest for me to say, but people tend to be shocked when I tell them that I'll be 40 next month. I'm sure genetics, not smoking, minimal alcohol intake, and staying out of the sun have something to do with it, but the Olay probably doesn't hurt either.
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