Monday, November 2, 2009

The Sartorialist and "The Driver"

I'm annoyingly late to this discussion, so I won't add anything (in this venue, anyway) except to say that the Sartorialist has put one, if not two, of his shoes in his mouth.

For some smart commentary on the topic, please visit Threadbared, upon whose blog I would comment, were there only a comments section!


K.Line said...

I saw that horrendous Sart post. Seriously, what is up with that guy. Is he as much of a conceited, elitist dick as he seems to be?

Thumbelina Fashionista said...

Whoa. Thanks for alerting me to this. I was pretty shocked to read it--and his vehement reaction to Stephanie's comment tells all.

threadbared said...

Oh, I'm so glad that others were also horrified! Thanks for the link, Miss Cavendish. (We don't have comments enabled because we don't have a lot of time to monitor them -- we barely check our email, frankly!)

Anonymous said...

He takes great pictures, but holy shit he come across as a hideous patronizing dick. .. every time he takes a picture of some one who is not a rich plastic surgeryied fake tanned fashion professional in thousands of dollars worth of clothes, he makes some comment that is so cringe worthy i cant read it. He is the George W. Bush of fashion writers.

Angie Muresan said...

Hmm... Well! Actually, I have more of a problem with the arrogance of people posting mean, spiteful comments anonymously. Some writer once said (can't remember who, but it was so good that I memorized it), 'we make gods of men and expect them to behave like saints." So he made a poor judgement call... Honestly, don't we all, from time to time?

Jennifer said...

I was so shocked by "Sart"'s commentary on this man and this photo. Patronizing and bordering on racially insensitive. Yes, we all make mistakes every once in a while and puts our foot in it, but when you have a blog that is read by millions of people around the world you should probably think twice, then twice again, before you put your opinions in (digital) print.